
Think Pink And You Will Save Money As Well As Energy

Won't you just love it if your home could be cool in summer and warm in winter? If you're thinking that the easiest way to achieve this is by an air-conditioner in summer and a heater in winter, you'd be wrong.

The main drawbacks of air conditioners are that they are firstly quite expensive to purchase and install, and secondly they can drastically increase your electricity consumption! There is off course the alternative of a ceiling fan or stand alone fan for summer, but how effective are they really? Don't you often think that the stand alone fan just redistributes the warm air around the room? And have you ever tried to sleep with the noise of an unbalanced ceiling fan in the background?

The same can be said for trying to warm our homes with heaters in winter. Oil heaters can hardly heat up one room, let alone a whole house, and these electricity-hungry appliances are also not an economical option. You can of course invest in a couple of gas heaters, but the gas won't last forever and it is quite a mission if your gas runs out in the middle of the night! If you have small children in the house, a gas heater might also not be the safest choice! What if your young one accidentally pushes the heater too close to a curtain? That must be any parent's worst nightmare! Then how do you keep your house cool in summer and warm in winter without all the effort above? You simply have to think pink!

Yes, yes, we've all heard the statement that pink is the new blue for this summer, but that is not quite what I'm talking about. The answer to your problems lies in a thermal insulation for your ceiling. Without proper insulation, your house can lose 25 30% coolness in summer and 25 30% heat in winter! A lot of air-conditioner / heater effort would be required to make up for this loss! So if you can think pink and save on money, that would make sense right?

Of course we all want to save money, but by properly insulating your home, you are not only being kind on your pocket, but also to the environment by saving energy! We should all do your bit to care for our environment and energy saving is something that should form part of our everyday lives! And if you can save money and the environment while at the same time enjoying a more comfortable feeling throughout our houses, why even hesitate?
Think pink is lightweight, easy to use and can be used in even the most hard to reach areas of your ceiling!

The off-cuts will also not go to waste. These smaller pieces will be used to insulate your water pipes and your geyser. This will instantly create power saving on your geyser. This ceiling insulation is safe to use and does not pose any health risks. It can also be added to new or existing homes at any time!

A closed house can be very uncomfortable to come home to - If you want to come home to a house with a more consistent temperature throughout the year, think pink and insulate!



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