
Benefits the Mattress Manufacturer, not the Consumer

When buying any product - especially high-priced products - this is very important for consumers to do before their hard earned money to fork homework. The function of a mattress, each mattress manufacturer can promote the interests of consumers is not, but bring them great benefits. This feature is the foam packing function. For those of you who are not familiar with this feature, it is three or four inches wide is the border built encases foam mattress spring unit. Manufacturers to promote Hong Kong as a function of the surface to expand the enterprise edge of the mattress and sleep it. This is nonsense!

To prove this, we will use two prominent maker of mattresses, Dormia and Tempur - Artemisia warranty. If you do not know, these two Dormia memory foam and Tempur - Artemisia polyurethane foam mattress is made of 100%. Polyurethane foam is made from petroleum, it is basically a plastic bubble. In the Tempur - Artemisia warranty states: "It is understood that this limited warranty does not cover the normal growth of the soft pressure to ease the Tempur material." Thus, Tempur, Artemisia admits that everything, polyurethane foam mattresses soften by This way, it is not covered under warranty. Dormia is no different. They pledged that: "It is understood that this does not include a soft foam for the normal growth." Therefore, all manufacturers of polyurethane foam mattresses have recognized, Poly softened.

Foam mattress manufacturers use the built-in polyurethane foam spring mattress wrap. Thus, by the above referenced manufacturer's warranty terms, packing foam, bubble will soften. If you're sitting the edge of your mattress, you wake up in the morning and put your shoes, sit on the edge of this company will soften, making it a soft edge of the sitting, and therefore a change than the built-in sleep spring element in the soft edge of the surface.

The real cause of the foam packing is that it can save a lot of money by the manufacturer. Plastic foam is far less than the spring steel expensive. Foam mattress set spring steel to reduce the use of eighteen percent. Then, it makes the manufacturer's marketing strategy (marketing spin), to promote their mattresses and extra features to convince customers to pay more money. Latex and memory foam mattress manufacturers also use this tactic. Please read our other articles and learn many other mattress manufacturers have made their customers, tearing sly thing!



Mattress Manufacturers, Memory Foam Mattress and Spring Matt